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- Diana one of the most fun champions in League of Legends?
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Diana Scorn of the Moon
- Great at mid, top, or bot lane.
- Nice powers and very fun to play
- Great AP damage
- Tanky (most AP champions are too squishy but powerful, Diana is not squishy at all, she's tank, buy her armors with AP like Zhonya's Hourglass, +120 AP, +50 Armor I think, and a nice active.
- Best passive of all! she's AP, ranged, with his Q you throw a nice Lunar Spell that deals amazing damage when your AP is high, but here's the good thing, the passive, based on your AP, that's going to be your main build, AP, when Diana attack with basic/normal attacks (that is melee), the 3rd attack will deal damage based on your AP! So, I used to hit very very very high amounts of damage with melee, and also, I'm ranged! If you are doing good late game you can buy a Phantom Dancer, woah you hit your 3rd attack so fast that you will deal a lot of damage to enemies with melee.
- Great deadly combos, I can finish any champion with this combo: Q (mark the enemy with the lunar mark and dealing damage from a long distance), then, R, (teleport to the enemy with my ultimate, as it refreshes instantly), E (to slow the enemy by a 50% for 3 seconds I think), then, W (to shield from incoming damage and also generate damage to the opponent), then again R (my ultimate, doing high damage), and continue with this sequence, again and again, the enemy won't do anything! if you do it fast and properly, also, Diana's basic attacks are continuosly attacking the enemy (amazing passive, 3rd attack based on AP damage as melee), and remember, she is tanky! hard to kill.
- Teleportation ability (ultimate), you can teleport to an enemy champion/minion, at a very large radius scale, dealing damage, refreshes every 20 seconds or less.
- Q = Very large range, is like a lunar spell throwed in a curve, so affects all enemies who touch the ray, high AP damage, less than 8 second cooldown more less.
- W = Shield, absorbs damage, generates damage.
- E = Slow surrounding enemies near you, by 50% I think, for 3 seconds, if I'm not wrong, with very low cooldown time, very useful when attacking with melee, with your passive, you can do a lot of damage in seconds.
- Ultimate = R, the best power, this ultimate has no cooldown when you hit with your ult a champion that was being hitted with your Q, this ultimate let you teleport to an enemy champion/minion at a very large scale, so you can escape or chase opponents and get kills.
- Very low cooldown of abilities, the ultimate refreshes every 20 seconds or less I think, and has NO cooldown when used properly, that is, if you use your ult with a champ that was being hitted with your Q, easy task.
- Just play with her some games and you'll see how amazing she is.
Diana = ranged+tank+melee+magic
At the beginning you will be thinking is weak, but she's not, believe me.
Good luck with your games!
Diana one of the most fun champions in League of Legends?
daina champion|diana build|diana guide|diana items|elohell|League Of Legends|