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Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Keep Clam And Love
Zed The Master of Shadows

Start items

    Health Potion   x3
    Boots of Speed

Core items

    Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)
    Blade of the Ruined King
    Mercury's Treads

Endgame items

    Guardian Angel
    Last Whisper
    The Black Cleaver

He is good against squishy characters and top laners are usually bulky.

As a mid laner I start 5 health pots 4 wards and the first thing I do is ward the second big camp of the enemy jungler. If he starts blue, ward red and vice versa.

As a first item I usually buy brutalizer or vampiric scepter. From then on build into BotRK, Bloodthirster (Zeds farm potential is just so insane you can charge up your BT in no time), brutalizer if you don't already have it and then into black cleaver. Late game with your passive youre probably good to go as far as damage is concerned. If you still feel the need to get more damage go Last whisper and/or another bt. I tens to get more health since Zed's objective is to dive on the enemy carries so you want to be able to dish out as much damage as possible! I either go sunfire cape (health + armor + little extra damage which is always good!), warmogs or GA!

As for boots if youre doing well and want to roam get yourself mobility. This is my favourite: push out your lane and go gank other lanes. If youre not doing so well get ionian boots or mercury treads if their team is heavy cc!

Other than that I recommend you take blue buffs whenever possible (preferably enemy's but otherwise ask your jungler to give it over to you!) It gives energy regen and lowers your cds which means you can use your ulti more often!


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