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This term came from MOBA games, which used the ELO algorithm for calculating ELO ranking (it's used f.e. in chess). ELOHELL is a level of ranking which theoretically you can't leave. There are lots of explanations of what exactly ELOHELL is and lots of people tried to define it but there's no real definition.

Portal related to a MOBA game, League of Legends. It connects proffesional players, amateurs, casual players and artists - All in the same place! The website has been divided into few sections:
CHILLOUT - It's for, well, chilling out. When you want to take a break for playing LoL or you're waiting for game to start you can just check it out to see popular memes, fanarts, find out something interesting about LoL or watch some spectacular short replays. Lastest modifications also allow you to follow your favourite artists.

CHAMPIONS - Sometimes you just can't find some information that you're looking for. Here you can quickly check stuff like champion statistics, specific counters, skill cooldowns and more. This section is updated and expandeda ll the time, if you have any suggestions just write us an e-mail - contact@elohell.net

We really have no idea. :( If you somehow managed to leave elohell send us your story at contact@elohell.net, best stories will be published and rewarded with coins!

All content added by our members is their own property. The administration can't take responsibility for content uploaded by members.

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