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Posted by : Unknown Friday, 26 July 2013

Any champion that does much better with a solid lane phase (Karthus,Lux Anivia, etc.) is all but completely useless. This new map does not allow for the calculated play style that some teams, even pro teams such as CLG EU prefer to play. As such, any champion that is able to push very early on and win early duels (Olaf, Lee Sin, Jax, etc.) are VERY strong. High mobility champions, such as Riven that are able to gap close, (shields for early turret dives) separate some of the fighters into God Tier from otherwise high tiered.

On the flip side, champions that don't need a lot of farm, such as Singed are immensely strong despite not being good at early fights or duels.

It would be a nice option to be able to stray from the 2 bruisers (1 jungling), 1 ap carry meta that seems to dominate the vast majority of games thus far.

To protect some lane viability, I feel that allowing the Altars to grant vision (similar to a ward) to the area around, not just for champions standing on. I am not sure why wards were removed, but I can't help thinking that this loss has caused a convergence of strategy options, rather than the divergence that we were told was the objective.

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