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Archive for August 2013

How To Build A Competitive League Of Legends Team

By : Unknown

How To Build A Competitive LOL Team

After watching some of their favourite stars take part in the NA and EU LCS ahead of potential trip to the Season 3 World Championships, many players have now begun to develop their own team, attempting to emulate some of their favourite stars and hopefully one day reach the pinnacle of being able to play in the LCS themselves.

If you are looking to create a team capable of challenging some of the higher tier outfits, there are a number of things you should do to make your teamplay better and improve overall synergy.

Regularly Practice & Communicate

Obviously the best way to improve as a team is going to be to play LOL as much as you can. While solo queue may help improve your mechanics, you need to be playing as a team on a regular basis to get a feel of what your teammates a capable of and how effectively you are able to communicate with each other.

When practising with each other you should be constantly communicating together through a chat client such a TeamSpeak. While typing in the in-game chat is going to allow you to communicate somewhat with your teammates, it isn’t going to give you the quick and detailed responses that other players may need to be vary of impending ganks or other objectives that must be controlled.

Especially if you are the adc and support, your ability to communicate with each other is going to be vitally important in helping you to win your lane. In this instance it would be beneficial playing duo queue together in order to build up rather relationship so that you get to the point where you know each other’s game inside out.


Especially at the higher levels, strategy is much more important than individual skill. We see it many times at the top level with teams such as Alternate, who may not have individually the best players but their strategy and ability to team fight effectively has seem them overcome the likes of Gambit & SK Gaming. This ability to strategies not only involves team fighting, but every other single part of the game. You should look at what to do at level 1, when to gank, where to ward and pretty much everything else that you will need to do in order to win a game. If you are able to plan out the best way to do every phase of a game, you are going to be incredibly difficult to beat.

However, you need to not just look at what you do to get ahead, but also what to do to stay in the game should you fall behind. The problem many teams find is that they fall 5-10k behind and just don’t know what to do to get back in the game. This leaves them walking aimlessly around the map while the opposition takes all of their objectives. When planning out your strategy you need to cover every eventually and have a plan of action for each so that you are not left wasting time trying to work out what to do next.

In addition to playing, you should also try and watch competitive teams and your future opponents as much as you can. Watching pro teams is going to give you plenty of ideas on things you can do to try and give your team the best chance of winning and watching opponents will allow you to pick out areas that you can exploit in order to take down their nexus.

Build Team Bonding

Creating this team ethos is important when playing together as you need to have that trust in your team mates and then need to also have it in you. As you are only a team of 5, in order to win a game you are going to need all of your teammates to perform to the best of their capabilities.

Some of the best ways to develop team bonding aside from regularly playing together is to attend other social functions and events. Another good way to build up a bond is to have your own personalised printed t-shirts created for each of your team mates with your name, summoner name, position and team name on each of them. This is going to help build up that bond between you and your players as well as giving your team added motivation to make your team a success. 

This article was written by John Johnston. John is part of the marketing team for Workwear Express and also a keen player on the rift.

How can I get the free champions in League Of Legends that they offer?

By : Unknown

Each week 10 champions are set as "free to play" and you can pick them even if you didn't buy them in the shop. This set is referred as the "weekly rotation". However, if you don't own the champion you won't be able to pick them anymore once the rotation changes until they get in another one.

The champion sale is a bit different concept. Champions can be bought both with Influence Points (IP) which are earned on playing any match of the game (of course, you gain more IP if you win and less if you lose) and Riot Points (RP) which are earned only through payment. Usually, there will be some champion sale with say 50% price reduction for a set amount of time BUT be careful: that discount only refers to the RP price. That is, if a champion costs 6300 IP or 975 RP, when on sale at 50% it will still cost 6300 IP but RP price will be 485 or something like that.

It's useful to remind that there's no content in LoL which can't be bought with IPs else than champions skins, wihch while some are really good-looking, they don't affect gameplay at all.

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