Explaning League of League (usually abbreviated to LOL)
By : UnknownUsually the game consists of a 5v5 map, where you play online with 4 others to fight forward and destroy turrets against another 5, who are trying to fight against you. Minions will spawn every now and then for each lane to fight against opposing minions and champions. Both teams have the same mission: to destroy the opposing nexus. This is achieved by pushing forward in each lane, destroying turrets, destroying the inhibitor, and eventually the nexus, which ends the game.
In game advantages are, not only to destroy turrets, but to kill off enemy champions. Especially later in game, this will be helpful as the re-spawning time will increase as the game proceeds. The more champions you kill off, the better the chance to push forward.
SPELLS - Q W E R – they can have different types of functions, like attacking, silencing (preventing the enemy from using their spells for a short period of time), stunning/slowing down champions, or more than 1 at a time. The R is known as the champions “ultimate” or “ult”, which is supposed to be the champion’s most powerful move. After using a move, cool-down is required before being able to cast another spell.
Champions are usually killed off through weakening them or “harassing”, meaning using a simple Q, W or E spell to weaken them gradually. Then, eventually (this needs good timing), you use a “combo” to finish them off, for example, W E Q R W. You will understand more about this when you actually start playing. Note that each spell has different cool-down levels, which can affect how you want to set out your combo.
MINIONS – assisting little creatures that help push the lanes, meaning they help you push forward. They are weak, but they help destroy turrets, and may distract the turrets and champions from targeting you.
TURRETS – a powerful tower which takes time to destroy. If you approach a nearby enemy turret, it will shoot beams of magic at your champion. Early game, this will do huge damage and can kill your champion. Turrets must be destroyed in order to push forward toward the enemy base. Minions can help distract the turret as targets, therefore giving you the green light to slowly destroy it.
INHIBITORS – Unlike turrets, these do not attack you. Destroying an inhibitor will give you a large advantage for winning the game, as after your team has destroyed an inhibitor, you will start spawning “super minions”, which are powerful tank minions that are very difficult to kill, and usually block the lane. These are located near the entrance of each base.
NEXUS – the goal of the game. When a team destroys a nexus, which is each teams spawning pool, the game ends. Destroy the nexus to win the game.
There are many other game styles, such as 3v3 and Dominion.
There are many different types of champions to play, such as ADC (Attack damage carry – ranges or melee), AP Carry (ability power carry – usually mages), supports, etc.
I hope to see you out on the fields of justice! :P
Diana one of the most fun champions in League of Legends?
By : UnknownDiana Scorn of the Moon
- Great at mid, top, or bot lane.
- Nice powers and very fun to play
- Great AP damage
- Tanky (most AP champions are too squishy but powerful, Diana is not squishy at all, she's tank, buy her armors with AP like Zhonya's Hourglass, +120 AP, +50 Armor I think, and a nice active.
- Best passive of all! she's AP, ranged, with his Q you throw a nice Lunar Spell that deals amazing damage when your AP is high, but here's the good thing, the passive, based on your AP, that's going to be your main build, AP, when Diana attack with basic/normal attacks (that is melee), the 3rd attack will deal damage based on your AP! So, I used to hit very very very high amounts of damage with melee, and also, I'm ranged! If you are doing good late game you can buy a Phantom Dancer, woah you hit your 3rd attack so fast that you will deal a lot of damage to enemies with melee.
- Great deadly combos, I can finish any champion with this combo: Q (mark the enemy with the lunar mark and dealing damage from a long distance), then, R, (teleport to the enemy with my ultimate, as it refreshes instantly), E (to slow the enemy by a 50% for 3 seconds I think), then, W (to shield from incoming damage and also generate damage to the opponent), then again R (my ultimate, doing high damage), and continue with this sequence, again and again, the enemy won't do anything! if you do it fast and properly, also, Diana's basic attacks are continuosly attacking the enemy (amazing passive, 3rd attack based on AP damage as melee), and remember, she is tanky! hard to kill.
- Teleportation ability (ultimate), you can teleport to an enemy champion/minion, at a very large radius scale, dealing damage, refreshes every 20 seconds or less.
- Q = Very large range, is like a lunar spell throwed in a curve, so affects all enemies who touch the ray, high AP damage, less than 8 second cooldown more less.
- W = Shield, absorbs damage, generates damage.
- E = Slow surrounding enemies near you, by 50% I think, for 3 seconds, if I'm not wrong, with very low cooldown time, very useful when attacking with melee, with your passive, you can do a lot of damage in seconds.
- Ultimate = R, the best power, this ultimate has no cooldown when you hit with your ult a champion that was being hitted with your Q, this ultimate let you teleport to an enemy champion/minion at a very large scale, so you can escape or chase opponents and get kills.
- Very low cooldown of abilities, the ultimate refreshes every 20 seconds or less I think, and has NO cooldown when used properly, that is, if you use your ult with a champ that was being hitted with your Q, easy task.
- Just play with her some games and you'll see how amazing she is.
Diana = ranged+tank+melee+magic
At the beginning you will be thinking is weak, but she's not, believe me.
Good luck with your games!
How To Build A Competitive League Of Legends Team
By : UnknownHow To Build A Competitive LOL Team
After watching some of their favourite stars take part in the NA and EU LCS ahead of potential trip to the Season 3 World Championships, many players have now begun to develop their own team, attempting to emulate some of their favourite stars and hopefully one day reach the pinnacle of being able to play in the LCS themselves.
If you are looking to create a team capable of challenging some of the higher tier outfits, there are a number of things you should do to make your teamplay better and improve overall synergy.
Regularly Practice & Communicate
Obviously the best way to improve as a team is going to be to play LOL as much as you can. While solo queue may help improve your mechanics, you need to be playing as a team on a regular basis to get a feel of what your teammates a capable of and how effectively you are able to communicate with each other.
When practising with each other you should be constantly communicating together through a chat client such a TeamSpeak. While typing in the in-game chat is going to allow you to communicate somewhat with your teammates, it isn’t going to give you the quick and detailed responses that other players may need to be vary of impending ganks or other objectives that must be controlled.
Especially if you are the adc and support, your ability to communicate with each other is going to be vitally important in helping you to win your lane. In this instance it would be beneficial playing duo queue together in order to build up rather relationship so that you get to the point where you know each other’s game inside out.
Especially at the higher levels, strategy is much more important than individual skill. We see it many times at the top level with teams such as Alternate, who may not have individually the best players but their strategy and ability to team fight effectively has seem them overcome the likes of Gambit & SK Gaming. This ability to strategies not only involves team fighting, but every other single part of the game. You should look at what to do at level 1, when to gank, where to ward and pretty much everything else that you will need to do in order to win a game. If you are able to plan out the best way to do every phase of a game, you are going to be incredibly difficult to beat.
However, you need to not just look at what you do to get ahead, but also what to do to stay in the game should you fall behind. The problem many teams find is that they fall 5-10k behind and just don’t know what to do to get back in the game. This leaves them walking aimlessly around the map while the opposition takes all of their objectives. When planning out your strategy you need to cover every eventually and have a plan of action for each so that you are not left wasting time trying to work out what to do next.
In addition to playing, you should also try and watch competitive teams and your future opponents as much as you can. Watching pro teams is going to give you plenty of ideas on things you can do to try and give your team the best chance of winning and watching opponents will allow you to pick out areas that you can exploit in order to take down their nexus.
Build Team Bonding
Creating this team ethos is important when playing together as you need to have that trust in your team mates and then need to also have it in you. As you are only a team of 5, in order to win a game you are going to need all of your teammates to perform to the best of their capabilities.
Some of the best ways to develop team bonding aside from regularly playing together is to attend other social functions and events. Another good way to build up a bond is to have your own personalised printed t-shirts created for each of your team mates with your name, summoner name, position and team name on each of them. This is going to help build up that bond between you and your players as well as giving your team added motivation to make your team a success.
This article was written by John Johnston. John is part of the marketing team for Workwear Express and also a keen player on the rift.
How can I get the free champions in League Of Legends that they offer?
By : UnknownEach week 10 champions are set as "free to play" and you can pick them even if you didn't buy them in the shop. This set is referred as the "weekly rotation". However, if you don't own the champion you won't be able to pick them anymore once the rotation changes until they get in another one.
The champion sale is a bit different concept. Champions can be bought both with Influence Points (IP) which are earned on playing any match of the game (of course, you gain more IP if you win and less if you lose) and Riot Points (RP) which are earned only through payment. Usually, there will be some champion sale with say 50% price reduction for a set amount of time BUT be careful: that discount only refers to the RP price. That is, if a champion costs 6300 IP or 975 RP, when on sale at 50% it will still cost 6300 IP but RP price will be 485 or something like that.
It's useful to remind that there's no content in LoL which can't be bought with IPs else than champions skins, wihch while some are really good-looking, they don't affect gameplay at all.
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League Of Legends,
What is the best build for Zed in League of Legends?
By : Unknown![]() |
Keep Clam And Love |
Start items
Health Potion x3
Boots of Speed
Core items
Ravenous Hydra (Melee Only)
Blade of the Ruined King
Mercury's Treads
Endgame items
Guardian Angel
Last Whisper
The Black Cleaver
He is good against squishy characters and top laners are usually bulky.
As a mid laner I start 5 health pots 4 wards and the first thing I do is ward the second big camp of the enemy jungler. If he starts blue, ward red and vice versa.
As a first item I usually buy brutalizer or vampiric scepter. From then on build into BotRK, Bloodthirster (Zeds farm potential is just so insane you can charge up your BT in no time), brutalizer if you don't already have it and then into black cleaver. Late game with your passive youre probably good to go as far as damage is concerned. If you still feel the need to get more damage go Last whisper and/or another bt. I tens to get more health since Zed's objective is to dive on the enemy carries so you want to be able to dish out as much damage as possible! I either go sunfire cape (health + armor + little extra damage which is always good!), warmogs or GA!
As for boots if youre doing well and want to roam get yourself mobility. This is my favourite: push out your lane and go gank other lanes. If youre not doing so well get ionian boots or mercury treads if their team is heavy cc!
Other than that I recommend you take blue buffs whenever possible (preferably enemy's but otherwise ask your jungler to give it over to you!) It gives energy regen and lowers your cds which means you can use your ulti more often!
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Zed |
Who is the best champion in League of Legends?
By : UnknownAny champion that does much better with a solid lane phase (Karthus,Lux Anivia, etc.) is all but completely useless. This new map does not allow for the calculated play style that some teams, even pro teams such as CLG EU prefer to play. As such, any champion that is able to push very early on and win early duels (Olaf, Lee Sin, Jax, etc.) are VERY strong. High mobility champions, such as Riven that are able to gap close, (shields for early turret dives) separate some of the fighters into God Tier from otherwise high tiered.
On the flip side, champions that don't need a lot of farm, such as Singed are immensely strong despite not being good at early fights or duels.
It would be a nice option to be able to stray from the 2 bruisers (1 jungling), 1 ap carry meta that seems to dominate the vast majority of games thus far.
To protect some lane viability, I feel that allowing the Altars to grant vision (similar to a ward) to the area around, not just for champions standing on. I am not sure why wards were removed, but I can't help thinking that this loss has caused a convergence of strategy options, rather than the divergence that we were told was the objective.
How To Get Out Of "ELO HELL" ?
By : UnknownMany people believe in an Elo hell that is largely a myth. There is a real phenomenon, but it is not what they think it is.
It is true that many players would play at a level where they would see their teammates play badly, sometimes intentionally. They would rage, and feel there was no way to win. They watch competitive players cooperate with teammates, and think, "If I just had teammates who would play better, or who would work with me, then I could win."
Part of this is that some new players with provisional ratings are on the way down. It's bad luck to get such a player on your team. However, this happens more often on the opposing team than on your team, since there are 5 open slots on the opposing team and 4 on yours. This is a poor excuse. It does not cause people to get stuck in Elo hell.
The people complaining are mediocre, just like most of their teammates. Time and time again, professional players have shown that it is easy to move up rapidly through the Elo levels when you actually have professional skills. Ratings are meaningful. Perhaps there are 10-20 critical skills: Last-hitting, positioning, executing combinations, counterpicking champions, map awareness, communication, coordinating without communication, denying resources, deciding when to go all-in 1v1, deciding when to fight as a team, capitalizing on advantages, choosing good sacrifices, setting minion waves to push when it helps you, using wards efficiently, keeping team morale high, etc. The complainers are pretty good at 2-3 of them, and think they are good at 5, and they fail badly at the rest, particularly at keeping team morale high. They don't notice their own failures. They notice their teammates failing. Then they rage and start playing the blame game for any setback instead of having fun and seeing what they can do to try to win. Some teammates respond by trolling because this is the only way they can feel in control with some jerk blaming them--even a win wouldn't feel good because they don't want the jerk to win.
Remember, people with inadequate skills often think they are among the most skilled. They don't know enough to realize how much they don't understand. This is true in many areas, not just games.
The result of being blind to your own faults, and blaming others, is that you stay at an appropriate Elo rating far below what your ego demands. You might have good team fighting skills, but you waste huge amounts of resources by failing to last-hit, and you don't turn won fights into won games, so you don't deserve diamond or gold status. Then you lower team morale so that your team gives up after one bad fight, so you don't deserve silver, either (or the analogous Elo ratings, now that these are separated). Your Elo reflects the fact that you aren't a great player, but you don't accept responsibility for that because you see that your teammates haven't mastered the few skills you think you have mastered.
Now that we understand what Elo hell really is, what can be done?
As a player, take responsibility for playing well. Accept that you will often lose, but you can always look for ways to improve. When your teammates started to troll or flame each other, could you have distracted them with humor? Did you give up when a teammate disconnected, not noticing that an opponent also disconnected? Even when you win, what could you have done better? What opportunities did you give your opponents even if they didn't take advantage this time? If you play at the level of someone 200 Elo points above your rating, you won't always win, but your rating will rise rapidly to the new level. This can come from playing better mechanically, or by being a nicer person in game.
As a game designer, it is complicated. There is value in letting strangers play on the same team, but this causes problems. It's important to take player frustration seriously, both in game and at a rating system. Sometimes the right thing to do is to hide the rating system. Sometimes you need to gamify behaving well. Sometimes you need to set clear community standards and enforce them. Sometimes you need to have auto-mutes on chat, so people who want to say something really offensive have to spell it out in wards. I think Riot has improved a lot in these areas. Players who spend money on the game, but who try to ruin the game and cause dozens of others to quit or to avoid spending money on the game, are not good customers, and they should be eliminated, or set to play against each other until they redeem themselves. I don't think Riot has done well here; they seem to have been far too lenient. When someone gets banned for the 9th time for raging with racial slurs in chat, I have to wonder why they got a third chance. Then a fourth. Then a fifth, with each ban coming from multiple complaints. Then that account is permanently banned, but they are encouraged to start another. These few bad apples cause large numbers of players to get frustrated, and some to emulate them. Game designers should not tolerate these pests who try to turn a fun game into hell.